Files should be 300 - 150 resolution and sized to print when you order. All borders or bleeds should be designed into your image and ready to print.
300 is the optimal resolution, most files should be that size so there is no pixelation or visible grain.
{x300W}" x {x3008}" is roughly the size that your file will print well at 300 resolution.
150 resolution is our lowest recommended resolution before the pixels become large enough to be visibly noticeable from a close distance.
{x150W}" x {x1509}" is roughly the size that your file will print decently at 150 resolution.
Depending on what program you’re using, it may say PPI or DPI which stands for pixels per inch or dots per inch. These files may include bmp, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, or tiff. The resolution (PPI or DPI) itself is not as important, as the pixel height and width is the largest determiner of the quality we will be able to print.
- Such is true as long as the image hasn't been compressed or downsampled in a way that would lower the quality.
- Similarly, changing an image from small to big to adjust the pixel count is not a valid way to make the print quality better, that will only make each pixel larger in the expanded version and the original resolution would remain the same without making the quality better.