ADLA Catholic Schools-Ministry Profile
The information provided in this ministry profile will be used by the DCS to develop systems of support in ministerial programming at all Catholic Schools within the Archdiocese of Los Angeles (ADLA) as needed and requested. All schools within the ADLA are asked to submit one profile per school. Please save your input as you progress through the questions. Work saved can be returned to at a later time.
School Name
Please Select
All Souls School
American Martyrs School
Armenian Sisters Academy
Ascension School
Assumption of the BVM School
Beatitudes of Our Lord School
Bishop Alemany High School
Bishop Amat High School
Bishop Conaty-Our Lady of Loretto High School
Bishop Garcia Diego High School
Bishop Montgomery High School
Bishop Mora Salesian High School
Cantwell-Sacred Heart of Mary High School
Cathedral Chapel School
Cathedral High School
Chaminade College Preparatory
Chaminade Middle School
Christ the King School
Corpus Christi School
Crespi Carmelite High School
Damien High School
Dolores Mission School
Don Bosco Technical Institute
Epiphany School
Flintridge Sacred Heart Academy
Good Shepherd School
Guardian Angel School
Holy Angels School
Holy Cross School
Holy Family School (Glendale)
Holy Family School (South Pasadena)
Holy Innocents School
Holy Name of Jesus School
Holy Name of Mary School
Holy Spirit School
Holy Trinity School
Holy Trinity School
Immaculate Conception School
Immaculate Conception STEM Academy
Immaculate Heart High School
Immaculate Heart Middle School
Immaculate Heart of Mary School
Incarnation School
Junipero Serra High School
La Purisima Concepcion School
La Salle High School
Louisville High School
Loyola High School
Maria Regina School
Mary Immaculate School
Mary Star of the Sea Elementary School
Mary Star of the Sea High School
Marymount High School
Mayfield Junior School
Mayfield Senior School
Mother of Sorrows School
Nativity School (EM)
Nativity School (LA)
Nativity School (T)
Notre Dame Academy
Notre Dame Academy Elementary School
Notre Dame High School
Notre Dame School
Our Lady of Fatima School
Our Lady of Grace School
Our Lady of Guadalupe School (OX)
Our Lady of Guadalupe School (HB)
Our Lady of Guadalupe School (LA)
Our Lady of Guadalupe School (RH)
Our Lady of Loretto School
Our Lady of Lourdes School (LA)
Our Lady of Lourdes School (N)
Our Lady of Lourdes School (T)
Our Lady of Malibu School
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel School
Our Lady of Peace School
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School (D)
Our Lady of Perpetual Help School (SC)
Our Lady of Refuge School
Our Lady of the Assumption School (CL)
Our Lady of the Assumption School (V)
Our Lady of the Holy Rosary School
Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal School
Our Lady of the Rosary of Talpa School
Our Lady of the Rosary School
Our Lady of the Valley School
Our Lady of Victory School
Our Mother of Good Counsel School
Paraclete High School
Pomona Catholic High School
Precious Blood School
Providence High School
Ramona Convent Secondary School
Resurrection School
Sacred Heart High School
Sacred Heart School (C)
Sacred Heart School (L)
Sacred Heart School (LA)
Sacred Heart School (V)
San Gabriel Mission High School
San Gabriel Mission School
San Miguel School
Santa Clara High School
Santa Clara School
Santa Isabel School
Santa Rosa de Lima School
Santa Teresita School
SS. Felicitas and Perpetua School
SS. Peter and Paul School
St. Albert the Great Middle School
St. Albert the Great School
St. Aloysius Gonzaga School
St. Alphonsus School
St. Anastasia School
St. Andrew School
St. Anne Mission School
St. Anthony High School
St. Anthony of Padua School
St. Anthony School (LB)
St. Anthony School (O)
St. Anthony School (SG)
St. Athanasius School
St. Augustine Academy
St. Augustine Academy - Elementary
St. Augustine School
St. Barnabas School
St. Bede the Venerable School
St. Benedict School
St. Bernard High School
St. Bernard School (B)
St. Bernard School (LA)
St. Bernardine of Siena School
St. Bonaventure High School
St. Brendan School
St. Bridget of Sweden School
St. Bruno School
St. Catherine Laboure School
St. Cecilia School
St. Charles Borromeo School
St. Christopher School
St. Columbkille School
St. Cornelius School
St. Cyprian School
St. Cyril of Jerusalem School
St. Didacus School
St. Dominic Savio School
St. Dominic School
St. Dorothy School
St. Elisabeth School (VN)
St. Elizabeth School (A)
St. Emydius School
St. Eugene School
St. Euphrasia School
St. Finbar School
St. Frances of Rome School
St. Frances X. Cabrini School
St. Francis de Sales School
St. Francis High School
St. Francis Xavier School
St. Genevieve High School
St. Genevieve School
St. Gertrude School
St. Gregory the Great School
St. Helen School
St. Hilary School
St. Ignatius of Loyola School
St. James - Holy Redeemer School
St. James School
St. Jane Frances de Chantal School
St. Jerome School
St. John Bosco High School
St. John Chrysostom School
St. John Eudes School
St. John Fisher School
St. John of God School
St. John the Baptist De La Salle School
St. John the Baptist School
St. Joseph High School (LW)
St. Joseph High School (SM)
St. Joseph School (H)
St. Joseph School (LB)
St. Joseph School (LP)
St. Joseph School (P)
St. Joseph the Worker School
St. Jude the Apostle School
St. Lawrence Martyr School
St. Lawrence of Brindisi School
St. Linus School
St. Louis de Montfort School
St. Louis of France School
St. Louise de Marillac School
St. Lucy School
St. Lucy's Priory High School
St. Luke School
St. Malachy School
St. Margaret Mary Alacoque School
St. Maria Goretti School
St. Marianne de Paredes School
St. Mark School
St. Martha School
St. Martin of Tours School
St. Mary Magdalen School (C)
St. Mary of the Assumption School (SM)
St. Mary of the Assumption School (W)
St. Mary School (P)
St. Mary's Academy
St. Matthias School
St. Mel School
St. Michael School
St. Monica Academy
St. Monica Preparatory
St. Odilia School
St. Pancratius School
St. Paschal Baylon School
St. Patrick School
St. Paul High School
St. Paul of the Cross School
St. Paul School
St. Paul the Apostle School
St. Philip Neri School
St. Philip the Apostle School
St. Philomena School
St. Pius X - St. Matthias Academy
St. Pius X School
St. Raphael School (LA)
St. Raphael School (SB)
St. Raymond School
St. Rita School
St. Robert Bellarmine School
St. Rose of Lima School (MW)
St. Rose of Lima School (SV)
St. Sebastian School (LA)
St. Sebastian School (SP)
St. Therese School
St. Thomas Aquinas School
St. Thomas More School
St. Thomas the Apostle School
St. Timothy School
St. Turibius School
St. Vincent School
Transfiguration School
Verbum Dei High School
Villanova Preparatory School
Visitation School
School City
Pastoral Region
Please Select
Santa Barbara
San Fernando
Our Lady of the Angels
San Gabriel
San Pedro
Name of person completing this form
Role at the School
Email Address:
Total School Enrollment:
Percentage of Students who are Catholic
Total Number of Teaching, Administrative & Support Staff
Percentage of Staff who Identify as Catholic
School Type
Parish Elementary School
Private/Independent Elementary School
Archdiocesan Elementary School
Archdiocesan High School
Private/Independent High School
Parish TK/K-12 School
Private TK/K-12 School
Religion/Theology/Catechetical Teaching Staff
Please submit the following information for each teacher/catechist teaching religion at your school. (Please include Catechetical Certification status for each submission).
Which USCCB approved Catholic religion text publisher(s) are utilized at your school? (check all that apply)
Adventure Catechism Media
Apostolate for Family Consecration
Ascension Press
Augustine Institute
Ave Maria Press
Catholic Book Publishing
Center for Learning
Circle Press
Concerned Communications
CR Publications
Dynamic Catholic (high school only)
Harcourt/Our Sunday Visitor (OSV Curriculum)
Franciscan Media
Ignatius Press
International Liturgy Publications
Legionaries of Christ
Liguori Publications
Liturgy Training Publications
Loyola Press
Midwest Theological Forum (high school only)
New Hope Publications
Paraclete Press
Pauline Books & Media
Pflaum Publishing
Priory Press
RCL Benziger
Saint Mary’s Press
Sophia Institute for Teachers
Sophia Press
St. Augustine’s Press
St. Maron’s Publications
Twenty-Third Publications
William H. Sadlier, Inc.
Paradisus Dei
Universal Publishing
Verbum (high school only)
Veritas Communications
VirTru Powers
Word on Fire
School/Parish resources
Campus Ministry/Clergy/Religion/Liturgical/Staff
Please submit the following information for each staff member serving in a pastoral capacity:
Pastoral/Ministry Staff
Please share what your school is doing in the area of spiritual renewal through the offering of retreats.
How often does your school celebrate Mass together as a school community?
Please describe any Schools specific details related to the school communal celebration of the Eucharistic liturgy (Mass).
Which of the following liturgical ministries are students at your school commonly involved in during school liturgies?
Ministry of Acolyte (Altar Servers)
Eucharistic Ministers
Choir/Music Ministry
Please indicate the name and role of the each person responsible for training student/faculty liturgical ministers:
How often is the sacrament of Reconciliation offered to your students?
Advent/Lenten Season
Not Offered
How often is Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament/Adoration/Benediction offered as a school?
Not Offered
Please indicate any other prayers/devotions/celebrations that your schools celebrates as a community? (check all that apply)
Novena Prayers
May Crowning
Patronal Feast(s) Days
Lectio Divina
Stations of the Cross
Liturgy of the Hours
School Wide Rosary
Daily Morning Offering
Prayer before meals
Prayer before every class & extra- curricular activity
Liturgy of the Word w/Communion service (when priest not available)
End of Day Prayer
Divine Mercy Chaplet
LA Catholic Prayer Breakfast
Praise & Worship (outside of liturgy)
Formal Prayer (Lord's Prayer, Angelus, etc..)
Informal/Spontaneous Prayer (i.e. Jesus Prayer)
Please describe how parents are invited to participate in the school's liturgical and sacramental life at your school?
Which best describe the clergy staffing for your school
Active Pastor/Associate Priest/Priest Chaplain serving at location
School Religious Order provides clergy staffing and support
No priest assigned, we need to secure priest for all liturgies and celebration of the sacraments
Is there a process in place at the school to assist non-Catholic students, teachers, parents, and families who are interested in being received and initiated into full communion with the Catholic faith (Baptism, OCIA?) Please describe how that inquiry is handled at your school?
How would you rate the overall impact of your schools liturgical and sacramental life?
How can the DCS/Archdiocese offer assistance in the area of liturgical/sacramental life for your school?
Please share how your school supports the spiritual renewal of the school community through the retreats offered.
Please describe the STUDENT retreat program at your school. Please include the number of retreats offered annually, which grade levels, locations (school/off campus), themes (KAIROS, 8th Grade Graduation, Emmaus, Search, Life in Christ, etc..) sacramental offerings during retreat (Mass, confession, adoration, etc...), any unique retreat aspects relevant to your school community. If school based retreats are not currently offered, please indicate that and share any challenges you face in being able to offer them (budgetary, scheduling, staff support, etc...)
Please limit response to 150 words or less.
Does your school currently partner with any other apostolates or ministries in offering student retreats (NET ministries, Hard as Nails, other partner schools, ADLA ministries, retreat centers?)
If YES, what ministry partnerships currently support your school retreat efforts?
Name of apostolates, ministry organizations, etc...
HIGH SCHOOLS ONLY: Does your school offer Kairos retreat(s)?
HIGH SCHOOLS ONLY: If YES, which grade levels participate in Kairos retreats? If NO, is your school interested in launching Kairos Retreat Program?
HIGH SCHOOLS ONLY: If NO, is your school interested in launching a Kairos Retreat Program?
Sooner rather than later
Please describe the offering of FACULTY/STAFF retreats at your school. Please include the number of retreats offered annually, locations (school/off campus), sacramental offerings during retreat (Mass, confession, adoration, etc...), any unique retreat aspects relevant to your school community. If Faculty retreats are not currently offered, please indicate that and include any challenges you have in being able to offer them (budgetary, scheduling, staff support, etc...)
Please limit response to 150 words or less.
Is the Los Angeles Religious Education Congress currently included as part of your staff retreat/formation activities?
Please describe the offering of PARENT retreats at your school. Please include the number of retreats offered annually, locations (school/off campus), sacramental offerings during retreat (Mass, confession, adoration, etc...), any unique retreat aspects relevant to your school community. (If applicable Is there any collaboration with parish based ministries/Religious Ed/Clergy)? If Faculty retreats are not currently offered, please indicate that and include any challenges you have in being able to offer them (budgetary, scheduling, staff support, etc...)
Please limit response to 150 words or less.
How would you rate the overall quality and impact of your schools retreat programs?
Please indicate any other retreats, youth events, etc... your school participates in throughout the school year:
LA Congress Youth Day (HS)
City of Saints Teen Conference (HS)
Christian Service 4 Life (MS & HS)
NCYC Conference (HS)
LIFETEEN-Inspiration at Six Flags (HS)
Holy Fire Conference Middle School
Los Angeles Religious Education Congress (Teachers)
Camp Big Deal (Middle School)
How can the DCS/Archdiocese offer assistance in the area of retreat support for your school?
Christian Service & Social Outreach Program
Religious formation and Christian service programs should inspire young people to have a vision of their mission in society and the Church. These programs should inspire young people to aspire to fulfill the vocation and mission to which God calls them. It is not good enough for them to think that they will just try to be good. Christ asks them to be the salt and light of the earth. Religious formation and Christian service programs should transmit this vision to them. This section asks you to share what your school is doing in the area of Christian Service.
Please describe your schools Christian Service program. How are the Spiritual/Corporal works of mercy and Catholic Social Teaching embedded into the philosophy and programming aspects of your schools Christian Service Program and the overall school culture? How is the success and impact of your school's Christian Service program measured? Are there any areas for growth and things that work well in your schools Christian Service program? Please include any requirement components (hourly, reports, reflection essays, etc...) of your program and grade levels that participate. If a Christian Service component is not currently a part of your school programming, please indicate that and any include and challenges you face in being able to offer this component (budgetary, scheduling, staff support, etc...)
Please limit response to 150 words or less.
Does your schools Christian Service Service Program have an hourly requirement?
Not applicable
If YES, please indicate the number of hours required by grade level or indicate other hourly requirements in accordance with your school's policy.
Write N/A if not applicable
Please indicate how your school tracks progress of Christian Service hours for students? (online platform, paper reports, Excel, etc...)
Write N/A if not applicable
Please indicate a sample of organizations your school partners with and refers students to in order to complete their Christian service hours.
Write N/A if not applicable
How would you rate the overall quality and impact of your schools Christian Service programs?
Please indicate any other School wide initiative(s), projects, speaker assemblies, and/or events your school/students participate in related to the following 7 Themes of Catholic Social Teaching throughout the school year:
Respect Life Week/Month
Requiem Mass for the Unborn
Christian Service 4 Life Rally
Racial Justice & Reconciliation Ministry
Vocations Fair
Vocation Poster Contest
Mission Awareness Week
National Marriage Week
TACSC-Student Leadership Events
Missionary Childhood Association
CRS-Rice Bowl
OLA Cathedral Adopt a Family
Poverty Awareness
Mental Health, Healing & Wellness
Sex Education & Chastity Program
Technology Safety Program
Drug Abuse & Prevention Program
Human Trafficking Awareness
Environmental Care Program
Virtue Formation Program
Human Dignity/Dignity of Work
Service to the Poor
How can the DCS/Archdiocese offer assistance in the area of Christian Service programming support for your school?
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