Requested Waiver Period: Fall 2024
By submitting this form, I understand that if I am billed for International Student Health Insurance, it is my responsibility to reach out to the Student Health Insurance Office to complete a waiver.
I confirm that all of my classes for the spring semester will be online, and I am residing in my home country.
I confirm that I do not need the university's health insurance plan because I have alternative health insurance coverage at home.
I verify that all the information supplied above is accurate and truthful. I also understand this waiver is considered effective only through Thursday, December 19, 2024, and thus, I must submit another waiver for the Spring 2025 semester. I also fully agree to hold harmless the State University of New York, Stony Brook University, and all agents and agencies of the aforesaid organizations for any medical expenses I may incur due to the limitations of my private health insurance coverage. The ASA Student Services Office has the right to request additional information and/or deny any request for a waiver at their discretion. I understand that if I return to the United States, I will have a requirement for health insurance.