If an income applies to your household, it will ask for a number for which family member receives it. Use the number that you that household member under above. Example: Head of Household (youself) is #1.
If all your medical expenses are not covered by insurance, indicate what expenses you are paying out of pocket on and the name of place below:
If you believe you have been discriminated against, you may call the U.S. Dept. of HUD, Fair Housing and Equal Opportunity Chicago Rengial Office, Toll-Free Hot Line at 800-765-9372. TTY (312)353-7142.
After verification by this Housing Agency, the information will be submitted to the Department of Housing and Urban Development on Form HUD-50058 (Tenant Data Summary). See the Federal Privacy Act Statement for more information about its use.
If you are anyone in your household is a person with disabilities, and you require a specific accommodation to fully utilitze our programs and services, please contact the housing authority at 218-637-2431