Communication Made Easy, Inc (CME) will make every effort to work with our clients regarding obligations for services whether payment may be through insurance, private pay, co-payment, or other agreements.
Assignment of Benefits:
• I certify that the information given by me in applying payment is correct. I hereby authorize payment by my insurance carrier of the benefits, otherwise payable to me, to be made directly to CME, Inc for their services.
• I authorize CME, Inc to release all insurance companies and/or compensation carriers only such as diagnostic, therapeutic, and financial information as may be necessary to determine benefits entitled and to process payment claims for health services that will be provided.
• I understand and agree that I am financially responsible for all co-pays, coinsurance and amounts not covered by my healthcare provider.
• I understand that I am obligated to provide ALL insurance information and must notify CME, Inc immediately should this information change. I understand that failure to comply with this policy will result in patient responsibility for any unpaid balances.