I give permission for my child (named above) to attend the events. field trips, and service projects associated with Easley First United Methodist Church for the dates of June 2023- September 30, 2024, I further give permission for my minor to be transported to and from events by hired and volunteer drivers authorized by Easley First United Methodist Church. I also understand that Easley First United Methodist Church is not liable should injury come to my minor.
Medical Release I hereby authorize the Easley First United Methodist Church chaperones, hospitals, licensed medical or dental providers, and their agents and employees to have access to the information contained in this form and to provide all medical or dental care. routine tests, treatment. and necessary transportation advisable for the health and safety of my child. This authorization includes the authority to consent to any x-ray examinations, anesthetic. medical procedure or treatment. and hospital care under the supervision. and upon the advice of or to be rendered by. a physicianor surgeon licensed under the Medical Practice Act or dentist licensed under the Dental Practice Act for my child. Activity Release I further give permission for my minor to participate in all supervised activities except as noted: