Sacramental Preparations
Saint Joan of Arc, as part of the Archdiocese of Denver, follows the Restored Order for Sacramental Preparations. This is a 2-year preparation series where a child will begin preparations in 2nd grade and be completely initiated into the Catholic faith by the 3rd grade.
Year 1: Reconciliation in 2nd Grade- During the Spring term
Year 2: Confirmation and First Eucharist in 3rd Grade- During the Fall term
In addition to regular Sunday attendance at Faith Formation classes, there will be 3 required additional Sacramental Prep meetings during each term, normally held on announced Wednesday evenings.
Minimally, one parent or guardian, and the child preparing to receive the Sacraments must attend these meetings. We will assist you in preparing your child or children for the Sacraments, including assignments and practice.
Also, we will have a retreat day for the children before the Sacraments are received. More information to come!
*If your child is outside of these norms by age or circumstance, please email your information and requests to the Family Life Ministry office. We will assist you with the next steps according to need.
**If your child is not yet baptized but is in 2nd- 5th grade, they will follow the same 2 year track, but will be received into the church with the sacraments of baptism, confirmation and eucharist at the Easter Vigil at the end of their second year of preparation. They will be considered part of the Order of Christian Initiation for Children (OCIC).