GMC 한미연회 목회자 파송 온라인 신청서
Please consider me for an appointment in the Korean American Annual Conference, Global Methodist Church
Name (영문 이름)
First Name
Last Name
한글 이름
Email (이메일)
Address (주소)
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number (전화번호)
Please enter a valid phone number.
Your Clergy Status (목사 직분)
Seminary Student (신학대학원생)
Course of Study (전문과정)
Deacon (집사 목사)
Elder (장로 목사)
Retired Clergy (은퇴 목회자)
UMC Clergy (UMC 목회자)
KMC/Wesleyan Clergy (타 감리교 목회자)
Other Denomination (타교단 목회자)
Other (기타)
Your Current Appointment/Employment and City/State (현 목회지)
Type of Appointment Seeking (지원하는 파송지)
Full Time Appointment (풀타임)
Part-Time Appointment (파트타임)
Bi-vocational 1/4 time (이중직)
Retired seeking appointment (은퇴 목사 파송)
Student seeking appointment (신학대학원생 파송)
English Ministry (영어권 사역)
Youth Ministry (청소년 사역)
Children's Ministry (어린이 사역)
Worship / Music Ministry (예배/음악 사역)
Other (기타)
Specific Congregation(s) / Ministry you are seeking consideration for: (고려하고 있는 회중/사역에 대해 구체적으로 적어주세요)
Information you would like the Korean American Annual Conference Cabinet to know regarding your ministry needs and your desire for an appointment. (귀하의 목회적 필요와 특별히 필요한 상황을 적어주세요)
Would you be interested in church planting? (교회 개척에 관심이 있으신가요?)
I would be interested in planting a branch new church (새로운 교회 개척에 관심 있습니다)
I would be interested in helping a church get re-established (교회 재개척을 돕는 것에 관심 있습니다)
I would be interested in either (둘 다 관심 있습니다)
I do not want to be part of a new church start (새로운 교회 개척에는 참여하고 싶지 않습니다)
Reference(추천인) - Contact information, Name and Relationship of a Reference (i.e. lay leader, staff member, fellow clergy, etc.), Church, Phone Number, Email (3명의 추천인- 이름, 직책, 교회, 전화번호, 이메일)
Current Total Compensation including Salary, Benefits, ARP, and Continuing Education (현재 목회자 사례/경비: 급여, 주택비, 연금, 의료보험, 기타, 목회활동 및, 연장교육비/세부적으로 기록)
Worship Size of the church you currently serve (if applicable) (현재 섬기고있는 교회의 규모, 재적, 출석, 장년, 청년, 유년)
Resume (이력서,사진)
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Testimony (신앙간증)
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Ministry Vision (목회비젼)
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Sermon Sample (설교/유튜브 링크 또는 영상 또는 음성 링크)
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