1. Your teacher has been given a Wheaton College Campus Map. If you haven’t been given that, please ask your teacher for a copy. These will also be available on our new website: illinoismusicassociation.org., on our Facebook page and on Wheaton College’s website.
2. Parking is located adjacent to Barrows Hall. Handicapped parking is at the rear of the building where there is a ramp to enter for your ease.
3. Arrive 15 minutes early and report directly to your room.
4. There are no Piano warm-up rooms. Vocal students may warm-up in Room 255. String students may tune their instrument in the lounge area on the 2nd floor.
5. If you have changed your contest song, simply tell the Room Captain about the change when they collect your music.
6. Bring the original, clean music for the judge. If you have forgotten your String or Piano music, we may have a book to rent in the contest office.
7. Parents are only allowed to record their own child and NOT the entire class. You may also record the Award Presentation at the end of the class.
8. Every student will receive an award, either a trophy or a ribbon. Students will need to take their score sheet to the trophy table on the 1st floor to pick up their award.
9. Feel free to sit in and listen to different classes. However, you may only enter or leave a competition room between students. There will be classes in the Auditorium/Theater which we invite you to attend. This is a great place to relax while you wait.
10. There are concessions on the lower level. Also, Downtown Wheaten has many delightful restaurants if you want a bite to eat.
11. Please leave small children at home so they will not disrupt the classes. You will be asked to remove them if they are causing a disturbance to the contestants.
12. If you encounter any problems or have any questions, please go to the contest office, Room 130, and we will be happy to assist you.
13. If a child’s time overlaps with another class they are entered in, or with a sibling, we can have a student play first or last in the group to make sure they will be able to perform in each event. We have tried to do this in advance, as well as separate siblings and duet partners. If siblings have mistakenly been placed in the same class, your teacher should notify us so we can remedy the situation.
14. At this point in time, only emergency time change requests will be considered. There will be a $30 charge for any agreed upon time change due to the amount of work involved. Changes can make classes run late, which is an inconvenience to others .
15. Changes because sibling times are far apart will not be accepted. If a student has developed a conflict with another event. They must decide which event to attend.
16. If your students have any questions or problems, direct them to the contest office, Room 130, where we'll be happy to assist them.
17. Please stop by our T-Shirt and Merchandise tables. ALL proceeds go to the IMA Scholarship Foundation.
18. Volunteers: We are in desperate need of volunteers to assist at this year’s contest. The number of volunteers needed to allow the contest to run smoothly is incredible. As always, many volunteers are needed on Friday for set-up. We also need 2 volunteers per room to assist the students and the judge, volunteers at the Trophy and Merchandise tables, and in the contest office. Hopefully, more students, parents, and teachers will volunteer and give back to this wonderful organization. Volunteer forms are on our website or feel free to email us at: imacontestinfo@gmail.com. We’re worried that we will not receive the help needed to host this event.
19. If you have any questions prior to the competition, please ask your teacher. If they don’t have the answer, they may contact us. We will not respond to individual parent inquiries.
Thank you for participating in the
Illinois Music Association 61st Annual State Olympic Competition.
Website: Illinoismusicassociation.org
Facebook: Illinois Music Association