Photo Release
The Renaissance Schools of Stillwater often use photos and/or video of children for special are prejects, crafts, classroom projects and displays on our Facebook or webpage. We also use class photos for new releases in our local paper, The Stillwater Newspress.In order to use photos of your child, we do require a signed release allowing us this opportunity. Please take a moment to complete the below consent agreement. Each child is required to have a signed consent form on file whether giving or declining permission.
Enter your child's name:
Do you permit The Renaissance Schools of Stillwater to use images of your child?
Yes, I give my permission for The Renaissance Schools of Stillwater to use images of my child. I understand that with my permission, The Renaissance Schools may use my child's photos for classroom activities, project, press releases, and facebook or company website posting.
No, I DO NOT give my permission for The Renaissance Schools of Stillwater to use images of my child.
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