Waiver: I am aware of all risks of participating in the Cybears Tribe Camp. The camp has some inherent risks, and injury can occur. On rare occasions, these injuries can be serious. In consideration of my child being allowed to participate in the Cybears Tribe Camp, I, the parent/guardian, assume the risk of all injury and agree not to sue Cybears Tribe Camp, the camp directors, coaches, agents, or volunteers for any and all injuries caused by or resulting from participating in the Cybears Tribe Camp. I WAIVE, RELEASE, AND DISCHARGE from any and all liability, including but not limited to liability arising from the negligence or fault of the entities or persons released, for my death, disability, personal injury, property damage, property theft, or actions of any kind which may hereafter occur to me including my traveling to and from this Cybears Tribe Camp. The risks may include but are not limited to, those caused by terrain, facilities, temperature, weather, condition of participants, equipment, vehicular traffic, and actions of other people, including, but not limited to, participants, volunteers, spectators, coaches, and lack of hydration. By signing this waiver, I also authorize the use of pictures and video of the participant to be posted on the Cybears Tribe website, advertising, and social media published by CyBears Tribe