Hollyjmakeup LLC Inquiry Form
Reminder: during office hours my response time is typically less than 2 hours. If you do not see an email from me right away, please check your junk/spam folder. If you still do not see a reply, try reaching out Facebook and Instagram: @hollyjmakeup
Your name
First Name
Last Name
Your partner's name
First Name
Last Name
Where are you at in your search for a makeup artist?
Shopping around, just gathering info
You are on my list, but I have a few other options
I love your work, but have a few questions
I would love to book right now
I would like to schedule a trial with you.
Date of your wedding
Please provide the name and address of your venue or getting ready location
Time services need to start:
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Time services need to finish:
Hour Minutes
AM/PM Option
Are you taking any photos before the ceremony? Please specify which photos.
How many people are receiving full services?(please specify number of brides, bridesmaids, moms, junior bridesmaids, etc).
Bride: select your bridal service package. (packages found on www.hollyjmakeup.com)
Diamond package
Gold package
Silver package
How many people( OTHER than bride) receiving a full service would like to add false lashes? (additional $5 per pair, lashes included for bride)
How many people (OTHER than bride) would like a touch up kit? (additional $10. Kit included for bride)
How many people would like a self care bag? (additional $25. Kit included for bride with diamond bridal package)
How many people would like a brush set? (additional $25. Brushes included for bride with diamond bridal package).
How many people are receiving a false eyelash application ONLY?
How many people (OTHER than bride) are adding body glow? (included for bride)
What is the single, top priority you need a makeup artist to meet? Be specific but only choose one!
Please explain any allergies or irritations, if any.
If you have a photographer booked, please provide their name and business name.
Where did you hear about me?
You can add anything more that you want to mention.
Check your spam/junk folder if you don't see a response from me! Check in with me on social media if you do not see an email in your inbox or spam!
Should be Empty: