We have had 25 replies and below is a summary of results
Committees initial views are written in italics
JUBILEE LEAGUE There was enough members wanting to to enter this league
Sutton and Epsom league received 11 yes votes however many of these were from working members so unlikely to be able to play midweek matches at 2.30pm
Wont apply to join but a possible league if membership increases
Midweek ESL received 18 yes votes
Will continue in this league
Border league received 5 if needed and 7 yes votes. This in reality is not enough to put out a team every week
Wont apply to join but a possible league if membership increases
Internal Leagues received 16 yes votes (We have 2 replies saying willing to run)
needs further discussion on format etc.
Communication facebook received 13 yes votes and 2 no votes (we have replies saying willing to run)
No objections to Facebook possible introduction of additional combined Wattsapp group
Pay and Play
in favour 18 Against 3
looking at the practicality of introducing or alternatives
Bar Tabs
Till operated 15 Stay as is 5 Named book 6 (3 of these also voted till operated)
Would be difficult to implement Till oprated tabs as it would loose the convenience of when there is no bar person and although the till may have this feature it is likely the system will need an upgrade. Named book seemed a good compromise
Suggestions – Are mainly re selection and getting enough games for all.
Rota’s trying to make things a little more organized rather than being left to the same members to do all the work
It is quite likely the Ladies are joining a Monday League
Looking to see if there are any suitable leagues to join any suggestions welcome