Invoice Overage/Shortage
IPD Account Number
Legal Business Name
Invoice Number
Select the discrepancy:
An overage of product was received
A shortage of product was shipped
Product was received that was not ordered
If an overage of product was received, select one:
Return the overage
Invoice for the overage
Provide product information for each overage received:
If a product was shorted from your order, select one:
Ship product that was shorted from order
Return missing product from invoice
Provide product information for each item ordered but not received:
Select option for each item not ordered but received:
Keep item(s), send an invoice
Return item(s)
Provide product information for each item not ordered but received:
Are there additional discrepancies for this invoice?
Select discrepancy:
An overage of product was received
A shortage of product was shipped
Product was received that was not ordered
If an overage of product was received, select one:
Return the overage
Invoice for the overage
Provide product information for each overage received:
If a product was shorted from your order, select one:
Ship product that was shorted from order
Return missing product from invoice
Provide product information for each item ordered but not received:
Select option for each item not ordered but received:
Keep item(s), send an invoice
Return item(s)
Provide product information for each item not ordered but received:
Are there additional discrepancies for this invoice?
Select discrepancy:
An overage of product was received
A shortage of product was shipped
Product was received that was not ordered
If an overage of product was received, select one:
Return the overage
Invoice for the overage
Provide product information for each overage received:
If a product was shorted from your order, select one:
Ship product that was shorted from order
Return missing product from invoice
Provide product information for each item ordered but not received:
Select option for each item not ordered but received:
Keep item(s), send an invoice
Return item(s)
Provide product information for each item not ordered but received:
Should be Empty: