I certify and confirm 'NOT' to act as a Pilot in Command for any Above the Clouds flight referred to me unless I, at the date and time of each flight I am incompliance with the following:
- I have a minimum of 300 hours total flight time and have 50 hours of flight time during the last 12 months.
- I am instrument rated (IMC flight currency not required)
- I am current with all FAR Part 61 requirements appropriate to the license held
- I hold a current and valid medical certificate.
- I am in compliance with all Federal Regulations related to the use of alcohol, and drugs, including reporting requirements specified in the regulations.
- I have in force liability insurance applicable to the flight providing minumum coverated of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $100,000 per seat, for the specific aricraft to be flown.
- I am flying an airplane with a valid standard airworthiness certificate, ASEL, AMEL, and/or ROTORCRAFT and have complies with all inspections, ADs and SEs.
- As of the date of the Dream Flyer Day or Discovery Flight Day that this form applies to, I am 74 years of age or younger, or have a written waiver to fly from the Above the Clouds Safety Committee.