Community Based Assessment/Work Adjustment Process
Community Based Assessments (CBA) are utilized to provide information on an individual's aptitudes, abilities, behaviors, and preferences or to determine if a specific employment opportunity would be an acceptable match. The purpose of the service is to assess an individual's strengths and needs and to make recommendations for future programming. CBAs are not intended to teach specific work skills, provide work experiences, or provide adjustment services. CBAs should not be standard practice for employers or used as a hiring incentive. Job Development (JD) should be authorized separately to locate and coordinate an appropriate assessment site. Job Development will not be authorized for facility based programs in which the provider is the employer or the provider operates a sheltered employment program within another employer. The provider shall pay consumers for work experience activities and provide Worker's Compensation coverage to the individual during the service CBAs may be utilized to assist in making eligibility and order of selection decisions or to assist in identifying a vocational goal.
Community Based Assessment Requirements 1. Participant will report to work site with Case Manager at the agreed upon times. See the monthly schedule provided at In Take. 2.It is important to attend all the work assessments on the days and times agreed to at your In Take. If you are unable to make a work assessment time or day you must call your Case Manager.
3. Participants will be evaluated on their behavioral and job task performance.