How often will my plan be changed? I understand that my career coach will check-ir with me at least every 30 days to assess and discuss my progress even after I am exited from the program to ensuremy continued success. I am responsible for responding to my career coach and providing information as requested. Based on my progress and ongoing discussions with my career coach, this plan will be changed as needed. What are my rights and responsibilities? I agree that to achieve my goals identified in this plan and successfully enter a career, I will actively participate in services and strive towards reaching my goals. I understand that this plan can be changed if something in my situation changes or my goals change, and that these changes will be documented in a new plan. I have the right to request assistance and services that will help me achieve my goals and enter a career. I have the right to request to be referred to an alternative provider or worksite if I object to a faith-based provider or worksite. How will my career coach help me to achieve my goals? My career coach will: Treat me with courtesy, dignity, respect and without discrimination. Assess my skills, employability and challenges to employment and/or education. Help me identify life and career goals and provide services and supports needed to achieve these goals including any special accom modation needed if I have a disability. Provide translation services if my primary language is not English or if I am hearing-impaired. My career coach will also provide key documents in my primary language or someone will be provided to translate the information on the documents into my primary language. Provide me with a copy of my plan, including any future amendment(s Provide information on how I can appeal any decisions relating to the eligibility, enrollment, services or any other issues I may hav e regarding my participation in CCMEP.
I agree to follow this plan and understand that the plan can be changed if something in my circumstances change. Any plan changes will be in writing and signed by myself and my case manager. By signing this plan, I certify that I participated in the collaborative development of this plan and that I am committed to successfully achieving the goals and objectives outlined in this plan.