Sharing information about your pup and household will help me determine how I can best serve you. At the bottom of this form, please schedule a no obligation, no pressure call with me. I’m looking forward to helping you address your immediate priorities and reach your dog training goals! ~Jen
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Preferred method of written contact
Please select one option
Text or Email
Choose text or email
City & State or Province
Dog’s Name
One form for each dog
I’d love to see your pup’s cute face!
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
Dog's Breed
If a mix, best guess
Where did you get your dog?
Please select one option
Humane Society or Shelter
Rescue organization
Rehoming post on social media, Craigslist, etc
Choose where you got your dog
Describe what you know about his/her history prior to you
If a puppy from a breeder, did your pup’s breeder say anything about Puppy Culture or early puppy socialization?
Gender, spayed/neutered?
Please select one option
Male neutered
Male intact
Female spayed
Female intact
When did you bring your dog into your home (approximate date), age of your dog when you brought them home, and how old are they now?
If unknown, best guess
Please select one option
Working on it
Where does your pup sleep?
Where does your dog hang out while you’re not home or not supervising them? Describe how your dog experiences alone time. See below and please be SPECIFIC.
Do you utilize a crate, exercise pen, baby gate, or other enclosure? How does your dog react while utilizing confinement or managing their space? Do they cry, pace, sleep, eat, chew? Do you have a camera on them?
Percentage of time your dog is inside to outside
Example: 75/25 = 75% inside, 25% outside
Any past/current medical issues or concerns?
Please select one option
If yes, please describe in detail including timeline:
If no, “N/A”, if under a vets care for a medical issue, please include that info. Medical info and history is VERY important! Sometimes behaviors change when there’s a medical issue or if your pup is experiencing pain, etc.
Primary vet clinic
Tell me who the humans in the household are. Who does your pup have regular contact with?
Include gender (optional) of all household members, include age ONLY if under 18.
Are all members of your household on board with training?
Please select one option
Yes, 100%
No, not at all.
Some household member are, others are not
Sometimes, but not consistently
Yes, but we don’t all use the same training methods
I’m the only person in the household
List & describe any other animals in the household
Include age and general temperament. Example: 14 yr old Dachshund, arthritic & slightly grumpy. If no other animals, “none”
Does your dog have reactions of any kind when around certain types of people, things, or animals? If yes, please describe
Example: barks at kids, tall men wearing hats freak my pup out, big dogs are scary, my dog prefers certain breeds, etc
What types of gear or tools have been used with your pup in the past or are currently being used? Check all that apply
Flat collar (buckle/clip)
Slip lead
Choke chain
Prong collar (pinch collar)
Spray collar (citronella or other)
Shock collar/E-collar/Stim collar (whether on tone, vibrate, or stim/shock)
Vibration only collar
Head halter/head collar (Gentle Leader, Halti, slip lead turned head halter)
Invisible fence
Ultrasonic device (anti-bark)
Please share any experiences or thoughts about gear that’s been used or is currently being used with your pup.
Please let me know which gear/tools are currently being utilized, as well as when and why. For example: Martingale for walking because my dog has a skinny head and the collar keeps him safe or bark collar when I’m not home to keep my neighbors from complaining. And, is it working?
Describe any previous training your pup has had and the organization/trainer's name including approximate dates of training.
Once you were done with that instructor’s course, did you continue with them in-person or online or keep up with what you learned?
Types of training currently used at home. Check all that apply.
Rewards (food, toys, physical affection, play)
Correction (leash pop, switching directions and pulling the leash for example)
Punishment (verbal/yelling, spray bottle, shaker can, tight collar/slip lead pulls, shock, bark collar)
Clicker training (marking wanted behavior with a clicker or mouth click, reward given)
Positive Reinforcement (marking wanted behavior, reward given)
Alpha/Dominance (being the Alpha or Pack Leader, controlling the dog, commanding the dog, demanding respect)
Not sure
Do you have a preferred way of working with your dog? Please describe, to the best of your ability, how you’d like to work with/train your dog.
Examples: I’m okay using treats, my dog is big and strong so I need a prong collar, I want to learn how to use a clicker, science based training all the way, I want to be the Pack Leader/Alpha, I want to use positive reinforcement, I expect my dog to obey my commands.
Does your dog exhibit any of the following (check any/all that apply)
Jumps on people
Scratches or paws at people
Fearful/Afraid/Timid/Shy (describe below)
Doesn't listen/doesn’t come when called/runs away
Excessive vocalization (whining, barking, howling, etc)
Barks at people/other dogs/other animals
Urinates when excited or nervous
Threatens/growls at/bites family
Threatens/growls at/bites strangers or guests
Rolls over and shows belly when approached
Play bites
Darts out/escapes doors/gates
Steals food/trash/objects
Anxious when alone
Destructive when alone
Reactive/aggressive on leash
Chews household items or furniture
Digs in the yard
None of the above
If you checked any of the things above, please take a moment to share specific details. When do these things happen, who do they happen to or around, and what was happening right before?
Example: when my dog hears fireworks, she tucks her tail, eyes get big, she trembles, and hides under the bed.
Describe 1-3 things you want your dog to DO. Take your time, this one is hard! I’m not asking what you want them to STOP, but what you want them to DO instead (an alternative behavior).
For example: Instead of barking out the window at everyone, I’m ok with a couple barks, but then I’d like my dog to go lie on her bed and chew on a bully stick. Or instead of charging my guests, I’d like him to wait calmly across the room until my guests get settled and then approach without hurting anyone. Use this space to tell me what you WANT!
Beyond what you’ve shared above, what is the number one thing you’d like to accomplish while working with me? Please share any other thoughts or questions so I may best understand how to guide you.
Are there any other particular activities you’d like to do with your dog?
Canine Good Citizen
Therapy Dog
Canine Fitness
Dock Diving
Lure Coursing or Racing
AKC Rally/Obedience
Service Dog/Emotional Support Animal (ESA)
Show Dog Handling
I really want a polite companion.
When would you like to get started?
Right away, today if possible!
Within the next week or two
Within the next month
Not in any hurry
How excited are you to work with your dog?
⭐️= not at all, someone is forcing me to train my dog. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️= super excited! Can I start today?!
How did you find me? Choose all that apply. Please let me know whom I can thank for sending you my way in the “other” text box.
Google or other search
Friend, family member, or neighbor
Vet or groomer
Petsitter or dog walker
I’ve worked with you before
If we haven't discussed your dog training goals, let's schedule a call! Have we talked yet?
Yes, we have.
No, not yet.
What’s next?
If we haven't talked about your training goals, yet, let's chat soon! Request your call date/time here. Consult and training requests are fulfilled on a first come first served manner and are limited to TWO new private clients per month. Ask me about my small online private training groups for as little as $34.99/month! Affordable ways to consistently learn from me and others in a very small private group.
Let's Set Up Your Call
Before you go…
I promise to treat you and your dog with respect, to be compassionate and empathetic, to teach you using the most current ethical and effective rewards based training methods, without judgment or criticism. The clients I choose to work with are kind, appreciative, and eager to learn humans who offer wildly enthusiastic praise about their time spent working with me. If at anytime you are having doubts about your path with me, please discuss it directly with me. I have zero tolerance for sharing our private discussions without my written permission, including videos or calls. I have zero tolerance for disrespectful or harsh words toward me, my clients, your dog(s), and other pet professionals. You are responsible for booking your 1:1 time(s) with me and you can find my availability on my site When you make working with your dog a priority, so do I! I am here to support you! Now, let’s have some fun! I’m excited to serve you, your pup, and your household!
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