Thank you for registering to become a Mental Health First Aider (MHFA) with Mental Health Motorbike. Before you finalise your booking there are a couple of things that we ask you to consider.
Our trainer is highly experienced and is accredited by Mental Health First Aid England. We also provide a Mental Health Motorbike support volunteer who holds the MHFA qualification. This additional volunteer support is provided as we recognise that this course covers material which you may find emotionally triggering. Your self-care is important and your safety throughout the course is our priority.
Similarly to an airline safety briefing, we ask you to look after yourself before you attempt to support others. If you do not feel quite ready to start training or you have any doubts, why not wait a while or discuss it with us. There are always courses available and you can sign up at a later date.
The courses are heavily subsidised by Mental Health Motorbike and cost far more per person than the £50 fee which you pay. If you don’t turn up, or if you cancel with less than 2 weeks’ notice, Mental Health Motorbike still have to pay the subsidy from our donations, and the place on the course is wasted. Please only book your place if you are certain that you can attend all 4 sessions.
If I can help at all, please contact me via