Vulnerability Quiz
How vulnerable is your business to the health and productivity risks posed by the labour shortage in the current market?
Q1) What role are the majority of your workers in?
Community & Personal Service Workers, inc Child Care and Home Care
Machinery Operators & Drivers
Techinicians & Tradeworkers
Professionals, inc Health Providers and Educators
Clerical, Administration, Sales and Hopsitality
Other workers
Q2) What location are you in?
Outer Metropolitan
Q3) What is your turnover rate of employees each year?
Better than industry average
About average for our industry
Below industry average
I don't know where we sit in comparison to industry average
Q4) What level of difficulty does your business face with filling roles?
Very easy
Quite easy / comfortable
Somewhat difficult
Very difficult
Q5) How many people are injured in your business each year?
Less than the industry average
About average for our industry
More than the industry average
I don't know where we sit in comparison to industry average
Q6) Do you have strategies in place to recruit, retain and support older workers?
Yes, we are committed and have clear processes in place
Yes, senior managers are committed but we don’t yet have processes in place
We are aware of the challenge but not yet doing anything about it
It’s not yet on our radar OR I don’t know
Q7) Typically, how soon do you return injured workers to work?
Earlier than industry average
About average for our industry
Later than industry average
I don't know where we sit in comparison to industry average
Q8) How well is your business planning ahead?
We have systems in place that promote health and prevent injury. This includes established job rotation schedules and psychological safety programs for our employees, in addition to the below.
We have job-specific pre-employment screening and wellness programs in conjunction with early return to work.
We have an established early return to work program.
We do some of this but don't have a consistent approach.
Q9) How well is your business proactively mitigating risk?
We report all of the below risk management activities to the CEO and Board.
We have a current JTA library with risk assessments and physical demands, human factors, environmental and PPE requirements documented.
We have an established process for purchasing equipment and designing work using participatory ergonomics with input from an ergo / occhealth professional for high risk tasks.
We don't do any of this yet.
Q10) How ready is your business to change?
We are ready. We have a plan, budget is allocated and reporting KPIs are established.
We have a plan developed but budget is not yet allocated.
We recognise we need to change but still working through a plan.
We have change fatigue and don't plan on doing anything anytime soon.
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