Are you ready for the Cloud?Take the ClusterPower Cloud Readiness QUIZ
Fill in the below quiz to checkout your organization's cloud readiness level and get some follow-up insights & recommendations
1. How would you describe your current IT infrastructure?
a) On-premises only
b) Hybrid (combination of on-premises and cloud services)
c) Cloud-based only
d) Not sure
2. What is your organization's data security and compliance posture?
a) Stringent security measures and strong compliance policies
b) Moderate security measures and compliance efforts
c) Limited security measures and compliance awareness
d) Not sure
3. How do you handle scalability and resource provisioning for your applications?
a) Efficiently scale resources based on demand
b) Struggle with scalability and resource allocation
c) No clear approach for scalability and resource management
d) Not sure
4. What is your disaster recovery and business continuity strategy?
a) Robust disaster recovery and business continuity plan
b) Partially defined plan with room for improvement
c) No clear strategy in place
d) Not sure
5. How do you manage and utilize data for business insights and analytics?
a) Well-established data analytics and insights capabilities
b) Limited data analytics and insights capabilities
c) No data analytics and insights capabilities
d) Not sure
6. What is your IT budget and cost management approach?
a) Optimized IT budget and efficient cost management
b) Struggle with budgeting and cost optimization
c) No clear budget or cost management approach
d) Not sure
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