WSU Academic Student Employee (ASE) Testimonials
This form is for academic student employees (ASEs) to provide testimonial information during bargaining. This can pertain to experiences with healthcare, discrimination, harassment, workload issues, or any number of areas. Please note: All information entered into this form will be anonymized. This means that your name will not be attached to this testimony unless explicit permission to do so is received. Your name is requested so we can verify your identity and follow up should there be any questions.
First Name
Last Name
Please provide your non-WSU email/personal email - We ask for this information so we can follow-up with you and provide relevant resources.
Would you like a WSU-CASE bargaining team member to contact you about your testimonial, rather than type it out here? If yes, please skip to the next page and submit your form. Someone will reach out to you using your non-WSU email to talk with you about your testimonial.
Yes, reach out to me by email about my testimonial.
No, I will type my testimonial below.
Would you like the information from your testimonial to be passed on to the relevant workgroup to inform proposal development? For example, if your testimonial is about having difficulty receiving prescriptions at a non-Pullman campus, your testimonial would be passed on to the healthcare workgroup to advocate for expanding prescription coverage.
I'm not sure, please contact me to discuss further
Would you like your name to be attached to your testimonial?
I'm not sure, please contact me to discuss further
Would you like your testimonial to be presented at a bargaining session?
I'm not sure, please contact me to discuss further
Would you like to share the testimonial yourself, or would you prefer someone else to read your testimonial?
I want to read my testimonial
I want someone else to read my testimonial
I'm not sure, please contact me to discuss further
Should be Empty: