Bald and Bonkers Manuscript Submission Form
NOTICE: Submission does not guarantee acceptance into the publication program. Bald and Bonkers Network LLC holds the right to deny acceptance into our publication program for any reason and without notice. At this time Bald and Bonkers Network LLC does not have the resources allocated to illustrate your book. We also cannot guarantee publication for any languages other than English at this time. These are services we are looking into for the near future.
What is your name?
First Name
Last Name
If you plan on using a "pen name" please write it here:
What is the title of the book? (Can be changed later)
Have you submitted your work to anyone else for publication? (Note: This does not affect your chances of being accepted. It is more of a professional courtesy.)
Describe your book; including setting, genre, etc...
What kind of book is it? (Pick the one that best fits your manuscript)
Short story
Poetry Compilation
Do you have full permission to use ALL materials in your manuscript? Meaning do you hold the necessary copyright and/or licenses to use the material?
Upload your completed manuscript:
Browse Files
Drag and drop files here
Choose a file
By submitting you understand that this submission does not guarantee acceptance into the Bald and Bonkers Network LLC publication program. It is up to the company's sole discretion whether or not to move forward with publishing your book. By clicking I Understand this would serve as your legal signature.
I understand
Would you like to donate to the Creative Sponsorship fund?
( X )
Creative Sponsoship fund is a project by Bald and Bonkers Network LLC to help creatives, who may be intimidated for financial reasons, publish their work. Allocated fund may also be put forward towards marketing efforts, all at no extra cost to the "creative." Funds are also collected from merch sales, taken from the company's cut of royalties, advertising, etc...
Payment Methods
Debit or Credit Card
Please click one of the PayPal options to complete payment and
the form.
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