Parent/Guardian Signature is required:
I, parent/guardian/caregiver First Name* Last Name* give Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Fraser Valley permission to pursue the application of my child/youth First Name* Last Name* . I understand the agency is under no obligation to accept or assign the application and is not required to divulge the reasons for this decision. I also acknowledge that the case file is the property of the agency.
I, the parent/guardian/caregiver of the above-mentioned youth, understand that all youth/children in the program must participate in the child safety training program, Strong from the Start, prior to participating in a mentoring program.
In case of accident, illness or surgical emergency to child and if I am not immediately available for consultation and consent, I HEREBY AUTHORIZE AND DIRECT the mentors to secure proper medical or other related treatment for the child/youth. Mentors will not be responsible for transportation of my child to hospital. If I am not available to transport the child/youth the mentor has permission to call for an ambulance. All costs incurred are the responsibility of the parent/guardian/caregiver.
How will your child/youth be getting home from the summer day camp program? Check off which ones apply.