Be sure to go over the rules & dress code with your teens and sign below.
It is our goal to provide a Christian atmosphere, where students will feel they are in a safe place for them to have fun, dance and to glorify God.
This is a Catholic event for homeschool students ages 11-18 and homeschooled alumni up to age 21. Each student and their homeschooled guest are expected to show respect for the staff and parents at all times. All students will have a ratio of 1 chaperon per 10 students whom have completed Safety Environment and Fingerprint thru the Dioceses of San Bernardino.
Therefore, we ask that STUDENT(S), HOMESCHOOLED GUEST(S AND PARENT(S) read the following agreement.
1. For the enjoyment of our fellow students, please no inappropriate language or behavior, or inappropriate dance moves.
2. Any damage done to property by the student or guest will be replaced or repaired by the student and parent.
3. This is an elegant, formal affair. Students, guests, and parents are expected to dress appropriately and modestly. Please take a moment to review the Prom Dress Code below. If a student fails to meet the dress code, please know that they may be asked to secure their clothing with pins or they may be asked to wear a covering provided by the dance committee. Upon registration a pdf of the dress code will be sent to you. If anyone is uncertain if their attire meets the dress code, please email a picture of you with your dress on to Mayra Romero at for approval.
4. Students may not leave the premises during the formal unless accompanied by a parent. By registering and signing below, I have read and discussed the behavior guidelines and understand what is required of me, my student(s), and guest(s) as far as behavior and agree to abide by these rules in a respectful manner. Violations of this agreement may result in my or my student's removal from the dance with NO REFUND. (add DRESS CODE to email / form)