If my application is accepted I undertake to advise the Master Builders Association SA Inc. of any changes to my business activities, that may affect the membership category granted or any of the other information supplied on this form. I authorise the Master Builders SA to make all necessary enquiries to qualify my application. Master Builders respects its obligations to protect personal information it collects, holds and uses about individuals it deals with. Master Builders SA collects and uses personal information necessary to provide services to the individual. Personal information may be obtained from, and disclosed to, internal staff of the Master Builders and any other third parties engaged to provide services to the Master Builders SA or the individual. Master Builders SA may use personal information for direct marketing to provide individuals with information about our products and services. An individual may contact us to request that they no longer want to receive marketing communications and each communication provides opt out options. To see our full Privacy Policy, visit our website at www.mbasa.com.au or make a request by contacting us. The privacy policy contains information about how you may access or correct information held about you, and how to make a privacy complaint.
Master Builders SA Council Approval
To become a member of Master Builders SA your application for membership must be approved by the Council in accordance with our Constitution and section 166 of the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009. Pending approval, you will be provided with full access to Master Builders SA products and services. In circumstances where your application is not approved by the Council you will be refunded any payments for your membership subscription, and all online accesses to member products will be denied.
Terms & Conditions
I, the person whose signature appears below on this application, warrant that:
The information provided is true and correct.
I am an authorised representative of the applicant and have the authority to bind the applicant to this application and the Master Builders SA membership.
If membership is renewed, the applicant will be bound by the constitution, Master Builders SA Code of Conduct, and any building and construction Code of Practice endorsed by Master Builders SA, which is available on our website and by request.
If paying by the monthly instalment payment option, I agree to pay the full annual amount for Master Builders SA membership as nominated in this application form across 12 equal payments on a monthly basis by direct debit from the nominated account.
The applicant’s subscription will be automatically renewed annually on the anniversary of its joining date and the appropriate payment for the next subscription year will be deducted from the above nominated account on either the monthly instalment basis or annual payment basis noted above. In the event that the applicant wishes to resign its membership, I understand that this can only be done in writing a minimum of 4 weeks prior to the annual anniversary of the joining date.
If paying by direct debit, the above account holder acknowledges having read and understood the terms and conditions governing the debit arrangements between it and Master Builders SA outlined in the Direct Debit Service Agreement which is available on our website and by request.