Membership at RHCC is granted to anyone who through faith in God’s Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, has been born anew to a living hope, desires to live a Christian life, promises to support the total ministry of this church, and to share its fellowship and obligations. Each member should be baptized.
Membership Process Overview
- Attend a membership class. Classes occur quarterly and will be announced in service when registration opens.
- Complete this Membership Application. Paper applications are available in the Welcome Center if you prefer.
- After you submit your application, you will be contacted by an elder for your membership interview.
- Once approved, you will receive your Certificate of Membership along with a special personalized gift, and will be celebrated at the next Member Meeting.
Benefits and Responsibilities of Membership
- Membership in the local church is a physical representation of being a member in the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:12), of which He is the head (Col. 1:18)
- As a member of the church, you have the benefit of giving and receiving mutual love and care with the other members of the church. “If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together” (1 Cor. 12 25-26)
- Church membership allows you to be pastored and shepherded well by those who “keep watch over your souls.” As you lovingly submit to the leaders of the church, they will be able to lead the church with joy, which is to your benefit (Heb. 13:17)
- As a member, your voice is honored in the affirmation of important decisions under the guidance of the elders
- With these benefits come responsibilities. As members, you will agree to regularly participate in worship services, participate in the life of the church through service, and to further the Kingdom by your gifts and offerings
Our Mission Statement
At RHCC, our mission is to joyfully live as the people of God by bringing the Truth of His Word into every corner of every life—in our personal lives, our families, our church, our communities, and our world—through the power of the Holy Spirit, in the love of Jesus Christ, unto the glory of God.
All information provided in this application will be kept strictly confidential.