SCALE OF FEES For up to date scale of fees please visit our website - www.woofsandwhiskersltd.co.uk
1.Liability Policies:
• Woofs & Whiskers agree to provide services stated in this contract in a reliable and
trustworthy manner. In consideration of these services and as an express condition there of, the client expressly waives any and all claims against Woofs & Whiskers or its Employees, unless arising from gross negligence on the part of Woofs & Whiskers. Client agrees to notify Woofs & Whiskers of any concerns within 24 hours of returning home.
• Woofs & Whiskers cannot be responsible for pets that bite, suffer an accidental death or escape from faulty fencing or from inside the clients home due to faulty screens, doors, etc.
• Woofs & Whiskers cannot be responsible for any complications pets may suffer or actions of pets while they are unattended in the clients own home.
• The client understands that all pets (where appropriate) must have a veterinarian and must be up to date on their vaccination. Client agrees to reimburse Woofs & Whiskers for all costs (including, but not limited to, medical care and lost wages) associated with contracting any ailments while exposed to pet(s), including those incurred by other pets exposed to such infectious ailments.
• Woofs & Whiskers will not sit for acutely ill animals or those with uncontrolled medical conditions.Wesuggest the pet be boarded or looked after by a vet.
• Woofs & Whiskers does not accept aggressive animals. The Client agrees to be responsible for all costs (including, but not limited to, medical care, legal fees, etc.) if the client’s dog should injure another personor animal. The Client agrees to be responsible for all costs (including, but not limited to replacement or repair of property or possessions.) if the client’s dog should damage or destroy another person or animals property or possessions.Woofs & Whiskers would encourage all pets to have suitable pet insurance in place which includes third party public liability.
• Dogs are only accepted as clients after a successful introductory session period/trail [dog dependant].
• Woofs & Whiskers will not walk or look after unruly or untrained dogs or dogs that choke themselves on their lead. All dogs will be walked on a lead, out with enclosed fields or our establishments, except with the written permission of the client.
• Woofs & Whiskers does not diagnose, prognoses, or make therapy decisions, nor does it offer veterinary services. Any veterinary/medical concerns will be referred to a vet.
• We can not be responsible for your pet or home if another service provider enters your property while we are not there.
• Photography:Woofs & Whiskers will use photographs of your dog in publicity material, website and social media purposes.
2.Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be received within 24 hours of scheduled visit or the full fee will apply. Woofs & Whiskers reserves the right to deny service or terminate service because of safety concerns, financial concerns, or inappropriate or uncomfortable situations. Notice of termination of contract by the client must be 2 weeks. Home boarding: Cancellations
within 2 weeks of booked dates - 50% fee will apply. A £50 non refundable deposit is due when booking holiday boarding for 5 night or longer. Once a booking is confirmed, we will be unable to offer that period to other enquiries, therefore anycancellation made less than 15 days before the desired date will incur the full boarding cost. The balance of the boarding fee will become due on the first day of boarding.
3.Business Hours: Business and visiting hours fall between the hours of 7am and 6pm and services are usually completed during this time unless we are behind schedule. Woofs & Whiskers will not accept time specific calls as wecan not guarantee specific times accurately. A 30 minute to 1 hour window is acceptable.
4.Payment Arrangement:
Payment is expected in in full by the last day of the month. In the event of additional unforeseen visits or other costs (such as food, supplies,or vet fees), payment is expected on completion of services if not received within 5 days a late charge of £2.50 daily will be applied. We aim to get all invoices sent out to clients before the end of the month, with atleast 3 days notice of payment. However we hope clients recognise that all payments are expected to be made on or by the final day of the month.
*Bank Details:Account Number 17830066, Sort Code 80-22-60, Bank Of Scotland.
5.Late Payment Policy: A £2.50 fee will be charged each day if an invoice is overdue by 5 days. This charge will continue until the outstanding payment is made in FULL.
6.Emergencies: Client agrees to authorise Woofs & Whiskers to handle any emergencies that may arise.Woofs & Whiskers will make every effort to contact the client, however client gives Woofs & Whiskers authority to act in the pet’s/home’s best interest.Additional costs may apply.
7.Infectious Diseases/Behaviour:
• Woofs & Whiskers have the right AT ANY TIME to refuse to board / care for or walk a dog that shows signs of infections disease such as: sickness, diarrhoea, coughing, nose or eye discharge.
• Woofs &Whiskers have the right AT ANY TIME to refuse to board / care for or walk a dog that shows signs of aggression to people or other dogs or whose behaviour is such that normal care can not be provided, in such circumstances Woofs & Whiskers may, after discussion with the client, agree to board/ carefor or walk such a dog for additional fees and may, for safety reasons and protection of property, use an indoor kennel or crate.
• All dogs should be up to date with inoculations, Bordetella (KC Jag) and recently treated with flea prevention medication, please always update evidence that such treatment has taken place (vaccination certificate, spot on packaging etc.) By signing below the client fully understands and agrees to the contents of this agreement.
8.Extremes of Weather: Woofs & Whiskers reserve the right to shorten walks due to extremes of weather for the safety and comfort of all dogs in the group. Extremes of weather may be: temperature bothcold and hot, strong wind, heavy rain, hail and snow etc.
9.Your Days and Dates: Woofs & Whiskers require where possible to be informed of your required days for the following week no later than 12pm on Saturday afternoon, we many not be able to accommodate requests received after this time.
10.Weekends & Holidays: Public, School, University etc. Woofs & Whiskers understand that on your own holiday days off from work care may not be
require. All we ask is that enough notice is given to us if your dog is taking a holiday. We also ask that Clients understand that any days that Woofs & Whiskers will close due to holidays then at least 3 months will be given. Woofs & Whiskers will always be closed on Saturday's and Sunday’s, however will accept boarding requests. We will always close over Christmas and New Year to allow our staff to spend time with their families.
11. Key Release: I am happy for Woofs & Whiskers to keep and make a copy of my key if needed. I understand that all keys are locked in a safe when not in use and documented by the BUSINESSOWNER.
Any questions or if you want to discuss your individual requirements please call 07454807820.
I have read the above terms and conditions and agree with them and the scale of fees as noted:
By signing below the client fully understands and agrees to the contents of this agreement: