Photos and videos may be taken of your dog during playgroup and may be used online or for marketing and promotion.
Whoa Doggie wants ensure all dogs are enjoying themselves during playgroup, we reserve the right to reassess your dog for eligibility in our playgroups at any time and refuse participation.
You acknowledge Whoa Doggie may use leashes or crate breaks to help manage arousal and allow them to do so at their discretion. Your dog must be wearing a quick-release collar or harness and not display any aggressive behaviors towards other dogs or staff during group.
Your dogs health and safety are of the utmost importance to us and we take extra precaution to avoid fights, injury, or illness however you acknowledge that minor cuts, scrapes, or bruises may occur due to the nature of some play, there is no guarantee a more serious injury may not occur. As well as transmittable diseases such as but not limited to kennel cough, lice, papilloma's are possible when mingling dogs.
For your dogs enjoyment and cooling purposes, Whoa Doggie may use shallow pools or sprinklers during the summer months, when appropriate. Whoa Doggie will attempt to dry your dog off prior to going home, however, you acknowledge that your dog may be released from playgroup wet from these activities.
By signing this waiver, I understand that I will be responsible for the actions of my dog that cause any damages, including but not limited to damage or injury to other dogs, people or objects while under the supervision of Whoa Doggie and the cost of said damage.