Interior Design Brief
Tell us about you, and what we can help you with?
First Name
Last Name
Phone Number
Property Address
Which rooms do you need help with?
What is the current state of each of the rooms you want help with?
Upload photos of the rooms
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What do you like about the room(s)?
What do you not like about the room(s)?
Upload images of items you'd like to use in the design.
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Are there any items that we should we keep in these rooms, furniture, artwork, curtains, etc? Or any items that you have that you'd like us to use in the room(s).
Dimensions (cm) of the items you'd like us to use in the design.
Who is in your family/lives in your home? People, pets, often have visitors?
What does each person do for work and what are their hobbies, and how do they spend their time?
Where do you like to go on holidays, any hotels or restaurants you especially love?
What design styles do you love? eg: Country, Modern, Art Deco, Rustic, Minimalist, Maximalist, Neutrals, etc. Or any particular designers you love?
What colours do you love?
What colours do you NOT like?
Can you describe in just a few words the feeling you would like to have when you are in the room(s)?
When do you hope to start the design process?
What is your budget for the room(s)?
Is there anything else you'd like us to know about?
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