Thank you for your interest in considering the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Platinum Program. Your application will be reviewed, and if accepted, you will be contacted when an opening is available for the next eight-week program.
I believe that this profession is one of the greatest missions of love and compassion that one can give. It has been fulfilling and rewarding for me and I am humbled and honored that you are considering joining our community. A few notes about the From Grief to Gratitude Coach Certification Program:
· There are no educational, experience, or coaching prerequisites to apply.
· The program is not based on a theoretical, conceptual, or spiritual practice. It does not infer or teach specific stages or phases of grief.
· There is no requirement to coach, teach, or train the program modules in a specific order, format, etc.
· Once certified, you can make the materials specific and unique to your own program(s). Grief affects every area of our lives, so you are encouraged to pair your coach training with any other skillsets, i.e., meditation, music, art, movement, massage, health and wellness, education, etc.
· The program does not include a business or marketing module.
· The program is accredited by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) for 22 CCE hours (10 Core Competencies and 12 Resource Development). The program does not credential you as an ICF credential coach (ACC, PCC, MCC). See the ICF site for further credentialing information at
· Program completion requirements: Attend the live classes via Zoom (unless excused absence), complete weekly assignments, and satisfy the Intern While You Learn Program requirements.
Dora Carpenter, CPC