Associate Pastor of Family Ministries and Small Groups
Grace Church of Aiken
Part 1: Personal Data
First Name
Last Name
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Facebook Profile
Instagram Profile
Twitter Profile
Linkedin Profile
Marital Status:
Spouses Name:
How long have you been married:
Please list the names of all children, their gender, and their age:
Highest Level of Education Completed
Name and Location of Acedemic Institutions
Are you ordained? If yes, by whom:
Current or most recent employer:
Current Church Website:
Part 2: Personal Profile
What is your general personality and temperament?
What are your major talents, abilities, hobbies, and interests?
What are your top three personal priorities in life?
What do you and your family enjoy doing together?
Part 3: Spiritual Profile
Have you been baptized as a believer in Jesus? If yes, please provide mode, date, and church name.
Are you a formal member of a church? If yes, provide the name, address, and number of years you have been a member.
Describe your conversion experience (1 or 2 paragraphs emphasizing how you came to the Lord and what difference it has made in your life).
What is your general theological stance or "camp?" What theological writers have helped you the most?"
Describe your call to ministry? Why do you want to be a pastor?
Provide a brief statement of your philosophy of ministry.
Briefly describe your past and present ministry experiences and how they have prepared you for ministry. Describe your last experience sharing your faith, when, result? How did you journey with them?
Briefly describe your experience leading and developing a ministry team or teams. Describe how you have or will recruit, train, equip, empower, and coordinate a ministry team.
Why are you leaving your current position?
When would you be able to start?
Theological Positions and Convictions
Grace Church of Aiken is a member of the Charis Fellowship of Churches. Please review the Charis Commitment to Common Identity before proceeding to the next set of questions.
Do you have any concerns about your ability to minister within the context of those convictions, commitments, and practices.
How do you explain the inerrancy of Scripture?
What is your theological view of the Biblical account of creation?
What are you convictions regarding the role(s) of women in ministry?
What are your convictions regarding gender, marriage and sexuality?
What are you convictions regarding eldership?
What are your convictions regarding affirmation of life?
What is your current practice of baptism?
What is your preferred style of worship?
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