Movement Participation Agreement I have answered the questions above to the best of my ability and confirm that my physical condition is good and I have no known conditions that would prevent me from participation.
If you answered YES to one or more questions: You should consult with your doctor to clarify that it is safe for you to become physically active at this current time and in your current state of health.
If you answered NO to one or more questions: It is reasonably safe for you to participate in physical activity, gradually building up from your current ability level. A fitness appraisal can help determine your ability levels.
I acknowledge that participation is at my own pace and comfort level and that I may discontinue my participation in the sessions at any time. Furthermore, I agree to self-determine my exertion through good judgement and to discontinue any activity that exceeds my personal limitations.
I understand that by signing this agreement that I hereby waive and release Team HOi, and all employees in any way from liabilities or demands as a result of injury, loss, or adverse health conditions as a result of my participation.
I comfirm that I have read and understand this document and I wish to participate in movement activities.