I will participate in a progressive movement program in an effort to improve my mental and physical wellbeing.
I understand that these activities are designed to gradually increase the workload on my circulatory systems as well as my musculoskeletal system in an effort to improve their function. The reaction of the system(s) to such activities cannot be predicted with complete accuracy. The possibility of certain unusual changes during or following the exercise sessions does exist. These changes could include abnormalities in blood pressure or heart rate, ineffective heart function, fainting, muscle soreness, muscle strains, and possibly heart attack or cardiac arrest.
The benefits obtained from the movement program may include a more efficient cardiovascular system, a decreased risk of heart disease and other chronic diseases, improved muscular and skeletal systems, and an increased quality of life.
I realise that it is necessary for me to report, promptly, any signs and/or symptoms indicating abnormalities or distress to a health official (e.g. Doctor or NHS). I appreciate if there are any questions about the procedures or methods used during a movement session, I will choose to discontinue the movement and discuss any doubts, concerns or questions with Team HOi at my 1-2-1 session.