The Closet Volunteer Form
We are so grateful that you are willing to donate your time to our organization. Please fill out this form to the best of your ability so we can add you to our volunteer list!
First Name
Last Name
What experience do you have working with the LGBTQIA+ community?
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Have you volunteered for The Closet (formally SEIPF) before?
Which events/programs are you available to volunteer for?
Volunteering to work a shift at the closet on Thursday evenings 6-8pm or the first Saturday of the month 11-1 (Training will be provided).
Sorting Donations for The Closet
Future Rainbow Families Events
Future SEIPF Events
What skills do you have to offer while volunteering? (Examples: customer service, clothing processing, set up, take down, booth management, cash handling, photography, etc.)
Should be Empty: