Purpose of the Application:
To ensure that organizations offering training to the early care and education workforce are granted access to utilize the CA ECE Workforce Registry Training Module, including the Training Calendar. This process ensures that organizational information is captured and inputted into the data system in a standardized manner.
Eligible Organizations:
Qualifying entities are organizations that are funded and identified by the California Department of Education-Early Education Division, First 5 CA, CA Department of Social Services - Child Care and Development Division and Community Care Licensing Division, and lead county agencies. Applications will be accepted from verified organizations providing training with state, county, or local government funds. This includes county offices of education, school districts, and organizations funded through city and/or county funds. Applications will also be accepted from statewide professional associations at this time.
Training Organization Requirements:
- Training organization and trainers agree to assist training participants to create or update their Registry profile.
- Training organization and their trainers agree to confirm attendance of trainings in the Registry.
- Individual participant data will be kept confidential and may not be used for solicitation.