Welcome to all parents/guardians of returning students and a special welcome to parents/guardians of students new to Sunset Color Guard. For those of you who are new to competitive Color Guard, the Sunset Apollo Marching Band & Auxiliary Parents Club, Inc. ("SAMBA") is a nonprofit, parent-run booster group that makes Color Guard, in addition to other band programs, possible at Sunset HS. You are automatically a member of SAMBA by default of your students participation in Color Guard. Welcome!
All family members are invited to join us for a picnic on Saturday, August 17th, following practice on the last day of full Color Guard camp. The students will give us a performance showing us what they have worked so hard on the previous two weeks. Picnic details to follow. We will also have purple and white SAMBA gear available for purchase at the picnic. We hope you will join us then!
REGISTRATION NIGHT – THURSDAY 8/1/24, 5:30pm – 7:00pm
The fee this year for participating in marching band and color guard is $450.00 and is due by 8/1/24. For your convenience, we are hosting a Registration Night during which all fees can be turned in, and questions can be answered. While we prefer all students register online before the registration night, we will have a computer available that night as well as a few paper copies if needed. If you plan on registering on the 1st then you
will need to bring in your student's medical insurance information with you. Please plan on attending or make arrangements with us for an alternative option by the 1st, as students whose registrations are not complete will not be allowed to participate in full band camp. Please bring your checkbooks or money orders with you to Registration Night! Checks and money orders should be made payable to SAMBA.
· Beaverton School District charges an activity fee that is $85.00 per year. This fee is collected by and payable to Sunset High and is due by the first day of school.
· Shoes, Tights, Gloves - Shoes (if needed) $45.95 appx, Gloves (if needed) $19.95 appx, Tights (if needed) $20.00 appx. More details to follow on these extra Color Guard costs after registration numbers are in and show design is finalized. These prices are estimates and the per student amounts will be finalized prior to ordering.
· Meal Plan - SAMBA parent volunteers provide delicious meals (lunch and dinner) for students on competition days. The cost is $70 for meals for all 4 competitions due by 8/1/24. You can sign up and pay for the SAMBA meal plan at Registration Night. These meals are optional; you can make other arrangements for your child's meals on competition days if you wish.
Did you know that registration fees cover only approximately half of the funds needed per student for the Fall Marching Program? The other half is raised through fundraising by the dedicated volunteers of SAMBA. We need your help to continue offering our students an award-winning music program. As the parent/guardian of a Sunset Apollo, we are asking each family to offer assistance for 2-3 events (10-15 hours) during the school year. We count on our volunteers to make it happen.
We have already kicked off our fundraising for 2024-2025 with a monthly bottle and can drive and all families are invited to volunteer for the fireworks stand (June 23th- July 4th) and the Bridge Pedal event on August 11th. We plan to have additional fundraisers during the season with the largest one being this year’s 35th annual Sunset Classic marching band competition held at Sunset High school on October 12, 2024. Hosting an event of this magnitude requires the participation of all our band families to be successful. Please look for more Information in our email newsletters and Facebook about these upcoming fundraisers.
The Beaverton School district will be implementing a new volunteer system for fall 2025. When we receive the information from the district about the new program we will inform you about how to register.
We are all looking forward to another fun and successful marching band season!
The SAMBA Executive Board
Director of Bands – Mr. Greg Hall gregory_hall@beaverton.k12.or.us
Color Guard Director & Choreography - Anthony Barei and Emily Kaman
abarei1551@gmail.com or 541-291-1475
SAMBA President - Janell Hosch president@sambanote.org
SAMBA Vice President - Open Position! vp@sambanote.org
SAMBA Treasurer - Rich Winkel treasurer@sambanote.org
SAMBA Secretary - Aleida Adams secretary@sambanote.org
Main ways to connect to SAMBA:
Facebook Private Groups:
All Band: www.facebook.com/groups/sambasunset
Percussion: https://www.facebook.com/groups/274708313329009
Newsletter: Email samba@sambanote.org
Website: www.sambanote.org
Text: SAMBA to 503-334-1333
Key Words:
"Menu" = Returns this Key Word List
"MarchingBand" or "ColorGuard" = Registration Links
"DineOut" or "BottleDrop" = Next Event dates
"Meeting" = Next Meeting dates
"Facebook" = Links to the Groups
"Zoom" = Zoom Meeting ID & Passcode
"BSDVolunteer" = Link to BSD Back Ground Check
Printable calendar of important dates