Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (MHWA) Implementation
The below information will help us inform the content and delivery of information regarding the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022. Mental Health Victoria thanks you in advance for your time and knowledge sharing.
Please state the service you work for and your role:
Are you aware there is a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Act 2022?
If you are familiar with the Mental Health and Wellbeing Act (MHWA) 2022, do you understand what changes have been made since the Mental Health Act 2014?
Yes, I have a good understanding of the changes
I somewhat understand the changes
I do not understand the changes
If you understand the changes that have been made to the MHWA, to what extent do you believe they will affect your practice/work?
They will significantly affect my practice/work
They will somewhat affect my practice/work
They will not affect my practice/work
Has your workplace discussed how changes in the MHWA will affect service delivery and changes in your obligations/responsibilities?
Yes, and I feel comfortable with my understanding
Yes, but I still have knowledge gaps
Has your workplace discussed how your work/practice will need to adapt to these legislative changes and principles?
Yes, and I feel comfortable with my understanding
Yes, but I still have knowledge gaps
The Mental Health and Wellbeing system is moving away from tertiary services being used as a default. As such, what is your understanding of the mental health, wellbeing and psychosocial services available in your area?
If your service is not able to provide adequate mental health, wellbeing, and/or psychosocial support service for a particular consumer, what other types of services would you explore to assist that person?
Would you have ongoing contact with the consumer after referral to other services?
Mental Health Victoria has been contracted to develop a suite of resources to support the implementation of the MHWA in the community and non-acute sector. For training around the implementation, what forum would bet suit you?
Wholly face-to-face in a centrally located forum
Online presentation
eLearn and face-to-face Q&A workshop
For any face-to-face or online interction, what time would best suit you?
What resources would be beneficial in training and support for the implementation of the MHWA?
What platforms/channels would be most useful for conveying this information/these resources to your service and the community sector?
Thank you for taking the time to respond to this survey. This will help us inform the content and delivery of information regarding the MHWA.
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