What needs to be done?
1. ALL required forms completed and on file at camp.
2. Paid in full (camp fee, horsemanship, paintball, t-shirt, gluten-free, dairy-free)
3. Spending money deposited in your child's spending account
4. Express is NOT complete without ALL of these steps.
How does it work?
Have all these things completed by the Express deadline!
1. Junior Camp and Young Teen Camp deadline - June 1, 2025
What will happen when you arrive? (Instead of a longer line!)
1. Go to the EXPRESS CHECK-IN LINE. Tell us you are here and ask for your cabin assignment.
2. Turn in medicine at the nurses table.
3. Pick up your shirt (free if registered by April 1, or pre-ordered after April 1)
4. Move into your cabin and start having fun!