agree to consent to participate in behavioral health care services offered and provided by HCO Behavioral Health Services, a behavioral health care provider. I understand that I am agreeing and consenting to those services, that my Mental Health Professional is qualified to perform within the scope of their education, license, certification, and training of the behavioral health care staff directly supervising the services received by the client.
HCO Behavioral Health Services offers the following services:
1. Psychiatric Evaluation
2. Medication Management
3. Home and Community based Services (Medicaid Recipients)
4. Community Psychiatric Support Treatment (CPST)
5. Psychosocial Rehabilitation (PSR)
6. Crisis Intervention
Each of the services has been explained to me at an appropriate level of understanding. The benefits and risks have also been explained at an appropriate level of understanding. I have participated in the decision to which services/programs I am interested in. I agree to play an active role in developing and updating treatment plans, as needed, throughout my course of treatment with HCO Behavioral Health Services.