Football Victoria (FV) Inc
Privacy Collection Notice
In this form, you are asked to provide Football Victoria (FV) Inc ABN 97 592 993 965 (‘FV’) with personal information (which may include sensitive information). FV regards the management of personal information in an open and transparent way as a priority. FV collects personal information (including through Football Federation Australia’s (‘FFA’s’) MyFootballClub Customer Relationship Management System (‘MyFootballClub’) for various reasons, including:
· for the organisation, conduct and promotion of football competitions, matches, programs and products and related objects set out in FV’s constitution;
· to process registration of individuals to participate in football competitions, matches, programs and products, as a player, official or otherwise;
· to identify, create and provide services and benefits, some of which may be provided by or in conjunction with FFA, government agencies or other FV partners or affiliated or associated entities, or through FV’s Football Fives website;
· to communicate with you and other stake-holders to provide football related information and offers from football administrators or other FV partners (both commercial and not-for-profit);
· to maintain participation and service/benefit records, data and statistics, including for archive and historical purposes;
· to identify, create and provide services to registered participants, officials, clubs, club members, zones, supporters, students, and members of the public, which may occasionally warrant direct marketing of these services (unless you opt out of any such direct marketing);
· to satisfy its obligations and comply with applicable statutes, regulations and policies as a Member Federation of FFA and the international governing body FIFA;
· in relevant cases, and with your consent where the information is sensitive information, for research and/or review, including for the purposes of assessing performance, health or injury including in FV and FFA’s (Victorian) talented player programs, to research participation in football or target funding; and
· to satisfy its obligations under the Associations Incorporation Act 1981 (Vic) and otherwise at law.
Further information about accessing and correcting your details or making a complaint are available in FV’s Privacy Policy. By completing and submitting his form, you consent to the collection, use and disclosure of your personal information as described above.