New Client Form
First Name
Last Name
Other Household Members
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
None if no email
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
How did you hear about us?
Number of Dogs
0 if no dogs
Dog Information (Name, Age, Breed, Weight)
N/A if no dogs
Number of Cats
0 if no cats
Cat Information (Name, Age, Type)
N/A if no cats
Other Pets
Are all of your pets spayed/neutered? (fixed)
Yes, all of my pets
No, none of my pets
Some of my pets
Please list all pets that are not fixed
N/A if all are fixed
If you have pets that are not yet fixed, how much can you afford to put toward their surgery(s)? (N/A if all are fixed)
We work with C-Snip and Fur Wellness. Dog spay/neuter is $155 (C-Snip), cat spay/neuter is $75 (C-Snip). How much of that, if any, can you afford per pet?
Do any of your pets have special dietary needs?
If so, please list. (We are completely donation based so we cannot promise anything specific but we can always look)
Let us know what type of food your pets eat (i.e. wet or dry or a combo).
All dry food/kibble, all wet/canned food, some of each, etc...
Waiver & release of liability
I give electronic consent that I've read the form and agree.
I understand that PHPFP requires all pets to be spayed/neutered unless medically unsafe. (If you need financial assistance please let us know!)
I understand & agree to provide proof of spay/neuter OR get a spay/neuter appointment within 30 days of signing up.
New Pets
I understand that I will no longer be eligible for assistance if I add any new pets to my household.
Donation/Volunteer Based
I understand that PHPFP is completely volunteer run & donation based. They cannot guarantee any specific type or amount of food/supplies.
Need Based
I agree to only come as needed & take only what I need.
I have read & agree to the above policies
First Name
Last Name
Should be Empty: