CBTS Class Registration Request
This form should be used when a student has approval to bypass the CBTS Pathway paywall in order to register for a course (due to Church Partnership Program, Financial Assistance, payment plan, William Carey, or Andrew Fuller). Please DO NOT use this form to register for live-semester classes.
This form is for registering for courses on CBTS Pathway. For Live-Semester Classes, please DO NOT USE THIS FORM. Please register via CBTSeminary.org/register when registration is opened.
What is your name?
Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
What is your degree program?
Please Select
I would like to register for a course but have an approved reason not to pay for it via the CBTS Pathway portal
Please choose which describes your situation
I am a church partnership student
I have been granted financial assistance
I have a credit on my student account
I have set up a payment plan
I am an Andrew Fuller Scholarship Recipient
What kind of financial assistance have you received?
General financial assistance
William Carey Scholarship
What is the name of your church?
What class would you like to register for?
Please Select
BI11 Old Testament Introduction
BI13 New Testament Introduction
BI14 Biblical Hermeneutics
BI41 Reliability of NT Documents & Textual Criticism
BT11 Biblical Theology I
BT12 Biblical Theology II
BT42 The Decalogue and the Sabbath in Redemptive History
HT11 Historical Theology I, Early Church
HT12 Historical Theology II, Medieval/Reformation Church
HT13 Historical Theology III, Modern Church
HT14 Historical Theology IV, The Baptists
HT15 Historical Theology Overview
HT41 The Puritans in Context
HT42 The Life & Theology of Benjamin Keach
HT44 Jonathan Edwards and Andrew Fuller
HT45 Historical Origins of Baptist Covenant Theology
HT46 Hyper-Calvinism & The Free Offer of the Gospel
NT31 Life and Theology of Paul
NT41 Exposition of Romans
PT11 Introduction to Pastoral Theology I
PT12 Introduction to Pastoral Theology II
PT13 Preaching I
PT14 Preaching II
PT15 History of Preaching and Preachers
PT16 Pastoral Counseling
PT17 Biblical Spirituality
PT18 Law & Gospel in Pastoral Ministry
PT19 Preaching Christ from All of Scripture
PT20 MDiv Pastoral Mentoring
PT21 Introduction to Evangelism & Missions
PT22 MAPS Pastoral Mentoring
PT31 Marriage and Family Counseling
PT35 Case Studies in Pastoral Counseling
PT51 Introduction to Biblical Counseling
PT52 History of Counseling & Pastoral Care
PT54 Counseling & the Body
ST14 Symbolics
ST21 Introduction to Systematic Theology and Apologetics
ST22 Doctrine of the Word
ST23 Doctrine of God
ST24 Doctrine of Man & Ethics
ST25 Doctrine of Christ & Salvation
ST26 Doctrine of the Church
ST27 Doctrine of Last Things
ST41 Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology
ST43 Polemics
ST44 Questions in Eschatology
ST46 Hyper-Calvinism & The Free Offer of the Gospel
ST47 Recovering the Orthodox Van Til
ST49 Biblical Assessment of the Social Justice Movement
ST50 Doctrine of God for Counseling
ST726 Doctrine of the Church
WR11 Writing & Research
If you wish to register for a second class, please do so here:
Please Select
BI11 Old Testament Introduction
BI13 New Testament Introduction
BI14 Biblical Hermeneutics
BI41 Reliability of NT Documents & Textual Criticism
BT11 Biblical Theology I
BT12 Biblical Theology II
BT42 The Decalogue and the Sabbath in Redemptive History
HT11 Historical Theology I, Early Church
HT12 Historical Theology II, Medieval/Reformation Church
HT13 Historical Theology III, Modern Church
HT14 Historical Theology IV, The Baptists
HT15 Historical Theology Overview
HT41 The Puritans in Context
HT42 The Life & Theology of Benjamin Keach
HT44 Jonathan Edwards and Andrew Fuller
HT45 Historical Origins of Baptist Covenant Theology
HT46 Hyper-Calvinism & The Free Offer of the Gospel
NT31 Life and Theology of Paul
NT41 Exposition of Romans
PT11 Introduction to Pastoral Theology I
PT12 Introduction to Pastoral Theology II
PT13 Preaching I
PT14 Preaching II
PT15 History of Preaching and Preachers
PT16 Pastoral Counseling
PT17 Biblical Spirituality
PT18 Law & Gospel in Pastoral Ministry
PT19 Preaching Christ from All of Scripture
PT20 MDiv Pastoral Mentoring
PT21 Introduction to Evangelism & Missions
PT22 MAPS Pastoral Mentoring
PT31 Marriage and Family Counseling
PT35 Case Studies in Pastoral Counseling
PT51 Introduction to Biblical Counseling
PT52 History of Counseling & Pastoral Care
PT54 Counseling & the Body
ST14 Symbolics
ST21 Introduction to Systematic Theology and Apologetics
ST22 Doctrine of the Word
ST23 Doctrine of God
ST24 Doctrine of Man & Ethics
ST25 Doctrine of Christ & Salvation
ST26 Doctrine of the Church
ST27 Doctrine of Last Things
ST41 Reformed Baptist Covenant Theology
ST43 Polemics
ST44 Questions in Eschatology
ST46 Hyper-Calvinism & The Free Offer of the Gospel
ST47 Recovering the Orthodox Van Til
ST49 Biblical Assessment of the Social Justice Movement
ST50 Doctrine of God for Counseling
ST726 Doctrine of the Church
WR11 Writing & Research
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