Bay Baptist Academy strives to provide a safe, secure, happy, caring, and loving environment for every child that is enrolled. Believing that discipline is necessary for the welfare of the student as well as the entire school, each teacher is given the responsibility of making and enforcing classroom regulations in accordance with the Christian principles and discipline as set forth in the Scriptures. The teacher and administration take this responsibility seriously and will maintain communication with the parents regarding any discipline matters.
Child training and discipline is nurturing. Nurturing will be handled with kindness, love, and understanding. Attention will be given to specific needs of each child, while at the same time each child will be encouraged to become a part of the group through participation.
The Academy expects and needs the full cooperation of the students and the parents. If at any time the school believes this cooperation is lacking, the parent(s) will be asked to confer with the administrator and teacher in order to seek appropriate steps to bring about a positive change. If poor cooperation continues, the parent(s) will be asked to withdraw the student.
Discipline shall be age and developmentally appropriate. We realize that children need to be taught right from wrong. With the Bible as our basis, we will endeavor to “train up a child in the way he should go.” Proverbs 22:6
How will our teachers deal with bad behavior? A time out and/or loss of a privilege for a short period of time will be used to help correct a negative behavior. Also 2nd grade and up use the demerit system. We do not spank or physically touch children in any way. Our emphasis is on a positive environment: where there is praise, prayer, encouragement, sensitivity, respect, and most of all love that cares.
If there is an incident, the teacher will send a discipline report to the parents that day. If there is a very serious matter, the teacher will call one of the parents.
We believe that the training your child receives at home, at church, and at school will mold his/her character for the rest of his/her life. With God’s help, and partnering together, we can be assured that the very best is being done for your child.
Thank you for allowing us to be an integral part of your child’s life