Business Resource Session & Coaching Hour Presenter Application
Please fill out the form below to apply to speak at an upcoming BRS or CH. Kelly will contact you within 5 business days to discuss your application.
Presenter's Name
First Name
Last Name
Company Name
Job Title
Confirmation Email
Phone Number
Area Code
Phone Number
Are you a current member of the Greater Arlington Chamber of Commerce?
What is your area of expertise?
Suggested Presentation Title (may be adjusted for clarity and/or various formatting needs)
Please provide a brief description for the website. It may be edited for length.
List 4-5 skills or takeaways attendees will gain from your presentation.
Have you given this presentation before and/or you do you intend to present it elsewhere in the near future?
If YES, please list where and when - If NO place N/A in the box.
Please provide references (phone number or email) (If NO place N/A in the box.)
Short Bio for Presenter
I agree that this is NOT an opportunity to advertise my business. This is about showcase expertise in a business topic and educating my fellow Chamber members.
Submit You Presenter Application
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