How can you determine how much CSP is contributing to someone’s pain?
The Central Sensitization Inventory (CSI) may be used to determine severity of CSP. The CSI consists of 25 questions and may be self‐administered. Each question may be answered as follows:
Never (0 points), Rarely (1 point), Sometimes (2 points), Often (3 points), or Always (4 points).
Total points reflect the severity of the CSP. Following is a breakdown of score ranges and the intensity of CSP they represent.
Subclinical: 0 to 29
Mild: 30 to 39
Moderate: 40 to 49
Severe: 50 to 59
Extreme: 60 to 100
The CSI has two parts, Part A and Part B. For scoring purposes you will only look at the 25 questions in Part A. Part B was initially used to help correlate the results with previous diagnoses. For our purposes it adds additional clinical background information but isn’t included when the instrument is scored.