Field Event and Materials Request Form
Use this form to get approval for any event, whether free or paid.
If you need materials shipped, plan your event for 3-4 weeks from now.
If your event is months away, we’ll send your materials right after approval.
Requests submitted less than 2 weeks before an event will be denied due to insufficient time for approval, packing, and shipping time.
Local Coordinators (LCs) can only request for paper materials.
Click here for downloadable PDF flyers and resources you can print at home.
Your Name
First Name
Last Name
Your email
What field are you in?
Please Select
MI - Deb
MI, IN - Christi
OH - Craig
CO, WY, KS, MO, IL, UT, NV, AZ - Kendra
OR, WA, ID, MT, AK, CA, HI - Olive
ND, SD, NE, MN, IA, WI - Maria
NM, TX, OK, AR, LA - Kylie
MS, AL, GA, NC, SC, FL - Dylan
TN, KY, WV, VA, PA, DC, MD - Beth
CT, NY, ME, MA, NH, RI, VT, DE, NJ - Alison
Name of Event
Event Website or other Web Page
Date of Event
Estimated attendance?
Has YFU attended this event in the past?
Who will be attending the event? (include yourself if you plan on attending, other CMs, and any LCs or Volunteers)?
What is the target audience that will be in attendance? (Potential host families, potential LCs, Educators, Students, etc.?
Estimated total cost of attending the event including registration? (ONLY Community Managers are reimbursed for travel, meals and lodging).
Describe How You Plan to Create a Return on Investment from this Event
Do you need to request materials for this event?
Which Print Materials are you requesting?
YFU Logo Sticker
YFU "Host An Exchange Student" QR Code Sticker
Postcards- Study Abroad and Hosting
Happy Birthday Cards
HF Coloring Pages
SA Coloring Pages
YFU Temporary Tattoos
Are you a Community Manager?
What Promotional Items Are You Requesting? (Items below can only be requested by the Community Manager)
Lead Sheet Pads
Magnetic Chip Clip
Stress Ball
Nail File
Drawstring Backpacks
Ship to Name
First Name
Last Name
Ship to Address
Street Address
Street Address Line 2
State / Province
Postal / Zip Code
Comments/ Color Page Theme?
Should be Empty: