My proxy has full authority to make decisions for me about my health care, including end-of-life care, if I am not able to make or communicate healthcare decisions for myself. This includes my desire, which I hereby direct my proxy, that all decision-making about my healthcare should be done in accordance with Jewish law and custom.
I grant to my proxy all the powers and rights given to a health care agent under law. My proxy is authorized to have access to medical records and information to the same extent that I am entitled. This authority applies to any information governed by any law including the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (“HIPAA”), 42 USC 132d and 45 CFR 160-164. My proxy is authorized to initiate or defend any legal proceedings related to matters of my healthcare.
My proxy is authorized to make all necessary arrangements for me at any hospital, hospice, nursing home, convalescent home or similar establishment, or home care, including my transfer and removal from any facility, including moving me to another state or country, and to assure that all my essential needs are provided for at such a facility.
My proxy knows my healthcare goals and wishes based on our conversations and on any other general guidance I may have provided. My proxy’s authority to interpret my wishes regarding personal care is intended to be as broad as possible. It includes matters of nutrition, hydration, shelter, clothing, hygiene, safety, and health care, such as (but not limited to) the ability to agree to, refuse, or withdraw consent to any type of medical care, treatment, surgical procedures, tests, or medications.
My proxy has the exclusive ability and authority to make all decisions including those regarding life-sustaining treatment in accordance with my wishes and my proxy’s actions shall be deemed in my best interests. This proxy shall remain in full force and effect at all times, notwithstanding my continued incapacity or disability. I specify that I do not want those decisions to be made on my behalf by any healthcare provider or medical board and that I do not want them to determine what is in my best interests. Should it be deemed necessary to appoint a medical conservator or guardian, I request the court to appoint my proxy to this role.
Handling of My Body After Death: All decisions concerning the handling and disposition of my body and preparation for burial, including removal of tubes, catheters, IV lines, cardiac devices and cleaning of the body, are to be made pursuant to Jewish law and custom as authorized by my proxy. It is my desire, and I hereby direct, that to the extent permitted by law, no post-mortem procedure be performed on my body unless authorized by my proxy. If the law requires, I request the least invasive procedures possible be used to comply with the minimum legal requirements in respect of my religious wishes, and that burial take place as soon as possible.
It is my express wish for the decisions of my proxy to be honored. I trust my proxy’s ability to understand what my wishes and best interests would be in every instance, including my desire that all decision-making about my healthcare should be done in accordance with Jewish law and custom.