I, the undersigned First NameLast Name , am the parent or legal guardian of the child/youth named First NameLast Name, who was born on Date CityStateZip . For any situation, I assure that I will be available for the phone call at Area CodePhone Number . As a parent or legal guardian, I affirm that I have been completely informed of what is happening at Raw Figs where the child/youth will be present and possibly participate in the figure drawing session. I understand the general structure of the activity/program where there is going to be a nude, topless or minimally clothed female/male model and approve of my dependent participating in this activity.
I hereby voluntarily release, forever discharge the community, the corporation, its officers, directors, employees, volunteer and agents from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action, which are connected with my child's participation in the programs or the use of the equipment and facilities. The information I've given in this form is complete, true and accurate. By signing this form on Date , I confirm that I have fully informed myself of the contents of this Parental Consent and Release Form by reading it before I signed it. I warrant that I possess all the rights, powers, and privileges of a parent or legal guardian necessary to execute this document with binding legal effect.First NameLast NameSignature