Youth Christmas Pajama Party
Attention all youth grades 6th-12th! Join us for a Christmas Pajama Party, Saturday December 7, in the Youth Center from 5PM-9PM. The night will be filled with food, games, worship, and a Christmas devotion, as we celebrate the Reason for the season! No cost to attend but we do ask that everyone bring a $10 gift to be shared during the white elephant gift exchange. For sign-ups and (volunteer) food contributions fill out the information below and hit submit. Please keep the event in prayer.
Youth's Name
First Name
Last Name
Youth's Age
Youth's Grade
Parent's Name
First Name
Last Name
Parent's Email
Parent's Phone Number
Please enter a valid phone number.
Does your youth have any food allergies?
Please tell us what allergy.
(Not mandatory) Potluck item to share. (side dish, ice, chips, desserts etc.
Not, this time.
What item would you like to share?
Should be Empty: